Bounce Back (MatthewChrobak) Mac OS

If a message is then refused, a bounce back is sent to the sender. If the sender's address is spoofed than an innocent recipient could get the bounce back which would be considered as spamming – because of this the recommended bounce back level in MDA mode is 'local senders'. Under Mac OS 10.5 Leopard, the quality is good, but not excellent. Under Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, it's a lot better. And on the iPhone 4, it's better still—as far as my untrained ears can tell. The bundled Mail app has a nice feature hidden in the 'Customize Toolbar' option. With the 'reply as undeliverable' (or something like that, I use a german system - it's 'Bounce to Sender' on the English systems), you send a fake 'The following addresses had permanent fatal errors' mail back to the sender.

  1. Bounce Back (matthewchrobak) Mac Os Download
Learn how to create fun bounce-back effects.

The Guided mode offers a set of built-in guided edits, which take you sequentially through a series of steps to help you perform a specific editing task. This guided approach helps you easily learn Adobe Premiere Elements and turn your video clips into professionally edited movies.

To learn about other guided edits, see Guided mode.

The Create Bounce Back Effect guided edit adds an effect to your video clip and plays the video clip back and forth. You can export the video clip as a GIF* or as a short video and play it in an infinite loop.

*Windows only

  1. Select Guided > Fun Edits > Create Bounce Back Effect.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • (Windows) Right-click the video clip and select Delete Audio.
    • (Mac OS) Control+click the video clip and select Delete Audio.
  3. Move the Current time Indicator (CTI) to specify the start and end points for the effect.

  4. (Optional) Click Fit to Visible Timeline button to zoom the timeline.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • (Windows) Right-click the clip and select Clip > Time Stretch.
    • (Mac OS) Control+click the clip and select Clip > Time Stretch.
  6. If necessary, change the speed of the clip and click OK.

  7. Free three card poker game. Do one of the following:

    • (Windows) Right-click the clip and select Copy.
    • (Mac OS) Control+click the clip and select Copy.
  8. Move the CTI to the end of the clip and do one of the following:

    • (Windows) Select the clip and press Ctrl + V.
    • (Mac OS) Select the clip and press Cmd + V.
  9. Do one of the following on the copied clip:

    • (Windows) Right-click the clip and select Clip > Time Stretch.
    • (Mac OS) Control+click the clip and select Clip > Time Stretch.
  10. Click Export and Share to export the video clip with the bounce back effect.

    For more information on Export and Share, see Sharing for PC playback.

Bounce unwanted email back to sender 16 comments Create New Account
Click here to return to the 'Bounce unwanted email back to sender' hint
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

I feel cautious about using this. However you look at it, what you're actually doing is sending a forged email. Is this what you want to do? Does this improve the general welfare in any way?
Secondly, it's not a very good forgery. In my own case, at least, expanding the headers reveals a X-Envelope-From header that shows the bounce as coming from me, not from the supposed 'postoffice.<your domain>'.
Is it effective against spam? Does anyone know of a spammer who bothers to refine his email list by removing bounced addresses? Spam is better dealt with by reporting it to someone you trust in the delivery chain.
Yes, it might fool an old girlfriend you're trying to shake off, but c'mon..
el bid

>Yes, it might fool an old girlfriend you're trying to shake off, but c'mon..<
Yeah, there should be a better way to communicate your feelings..

Of course this will only have an effect if the bounced emailer gets back to the spammer and that the spammer uses such bounces to clean up their list of addresses.

I do not think that the majority of spammers operate in this way. For the most part, spam is sent from throwaway accounts or sent with forged headers so that it apears to come from someone other than the spammer.

Thus, the bounces are more than likely just going to some innocent or non-existant address. Pong clone (razvantrd) mac os.


I try to report all spam to which analyses spam and reports to the appropriate people abuses of their systems.

Not as easy as a 'bounce' button, but maybe a bit more useful. (Acutally, with Eudora I have a 'spamcop' button that is pretty conventient.)

I'd like to see this if I could. Is it an applescript or plugin, and where would I be able to find it? ^_~

I have never had a successful bounce; every single one has come back to me as 'not a valid sender address,' so I don't bother trying anymore.

I had an account that was getting hundreds of spams a week. It was a long-forgotten address that was listed on a site I designed. It was basically useless so I could experiment.
I bounced 700 messages the first time and have been checking back about once per week. Each week the number goes down. I now have it down to about 80 per week. I get a bunch of undeliverables.. but I also get standard replies too.. which I also bounce.
I think this is a useful tool. I also think some spammers do try to get rid of bad addresses in some automated fashion. Even though the addresses they use appear to be dead..I also think they too have tricks to make you think that. I also suspect that bouncing unwanted mail to 'legitimate' spammers like '' or '' will save your address from being distributed later..when they sell their list. Not 'if', 'when'. Nip it in the bud, I say.
One sure way of getting your address enshrined as valid is to use the 'unsubscribe' link that comes in most (and works in some) spams.. you are merely validating your address. Or maybe you trust them..If so, I have a deed to the Brooklyn Bridge I want to sell you.
If you didn't ask for the email you have every right to fight back in a technological sense. Spam is a sleazy and unethical practice..
If I can write 'return to sender' on snail mail.. I have a right to do this. IT IS NOT FORGERY for crying out loud. Give me a break. It is not unethical or dishonest to bounce a message. You are saying that your address is not a valid recipient for their junk. That is honest. Even though they put my name it, I must assume they meant it for someone who cared. They have the wrong person.
I used to forward my junk to spamcop and frankly that doesn't get you anywhere in practical terms of ridding yourself of spam. It may help the greater good in the long run, but that is debatable.
Bounce away. It's free. It's fair.

none i my ex-lover ever writes to me!!!!

If I can write 'return to sender' on snail mail.. I have a right to do this. IT IS NOT FORGERY for crying out loud. Give me a break. It is not unethical or dishonest to bounce a message. You are saying that your address is not a valid recipient for their junk. That is honest. Even though they put my name it, I must assume they meant it for someone who cared. They have the wrong person.

On reflection, you're right. This isn't a forgery, because as far as I can make out nothing is faked in the headers. (Actually this is what makes it ineffective if you bounce in the direction of anyone with a clue).
What it is though is a downright lie. You're not just saying 'Return to Sender' as in the snailmail case you mention. You're explicitly saying that the address is an unknown or illegal alias. Neither of these statements is true. You're also saying that the action of delivering the mail failed, which again isn't true.
So it comes down to the simple question: do you want to make a habit of sending out emails that don't tell the truth? If you don't mind using email this way yourself, I'm puzzled why you should object to people telling you that if you send them $9.95 they will turn it into a steady income of $2,000 a week, confer on you a degree from a leading university and lengthen your penis.
el bid

ok, this is indeed not 100% or even 50% effective tool, but so is Noone guarantees you that you won't recieve spam anymore from the source you have reported about via Spamcop.
This tool gives me ability, gives me a chance to stop occasional spammer. And that's _good_ thing. That 'Bounce to sender' thing was one of the reasons why I switched from Magellan to
C'mon people, leave that heavy moralism and hard ethics for philosophy professors. If someone sends me spam then my mailbox does indeed not exist for them. Period.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

C'mon people, leave that heavy moralism and hard ethics for philosophy professors.
That's not Bill Gates behind that alias, is it, beastie? Pre-Enron that flag might have rallied a few duh-brains. These days pretty well everybody is beginning to understand that 'truth in business' is crucial to our future.
el bid
Fellow enthusiasts, I have an iPhone4 and a MacBook Pro, both devices have the most recent commercial OS from MAC. I have a fully functional iCloud account with 50G. I find that Apple iCloud and do not filter spam very well, if at all. So, I purchased a account. I now have set my mail to be forwarded to for filtering. I thought I would then set my iPhone to only see filtered e-mail and ignore my iCloud account. So here is the issue.. Some spam is not caught by Spamcop and I must report it, however I have been unable to find a way to forward an e-mail as an attachment from the iPhone Does anon have a hint since there is no documentation for the iPhone or MAC OSX on spam cops website.
Time is relative, relatives take time. Mark Mettler 1994
My old T'ai-chi instructor used to say 'If it's 99% right, it's 100% wrong'
Never mind all the minor ethical problems here (we could argue all night what 'legal address' and 'undeliverable' means). If you have someone savvy enough to spot this fake (and that probably means most of the people who would bother to weed their lists regularly), then bouncing like this is going to be just as bad as replying to a removal address.
You'd be as well yelling 'Nobody in here but us chickens!' ; )

I doubt very much that a bounce would signal to a spammer that the address is valid. Spammers send out millions of e-mails at a time, and a large proportion, if not most, of the addresses on their lists will be (genuinely) invalid.
A lot of those genuinely invalid addresses will generate a bounce back to the spammer (or their faked reply address), so how exactly is the spammer supposed to tell which bounces come from people hitting the bounce button, and which bounces come from the servers rejecting an invalid address?
They can't.
However, most spammers don't care about bounces, they rarely get them (due to faked reply addresses), they don't do anything with them, and they don't remove the address from their list. They already send out a tonne of spam knowing that some or most will go to nowhere (invalid addresses), so why would they care about trimming down that list slightly?
Ski drive: biathlon mac os. I keep the bounce option solely for human senders, it sometimes gets them to stop mailing.

as a test i tried to send a message for myself, and then bounce it.
as a result, my email is not valid? or so says the bounce thing. nice.
do i interpret that on the way that i spam (myself) ?

It seems to me that this bounce feature is a manual, one-time thing. I actually have an ex-girlfriend who won't stop sending e-mails even though I bounce them back. Does anyone know of a way to block her address? Or, automatically bounce any messages from her back?

Do not do this! You're only making the problem worse! Look, spammers often FORGE the From address. So, some poor guy who is getting lots of spam just like you now has to read a 'bounce' message from you in response to an email he DID NOT SEND.

I get a lot of 'bounces' in response to emails I did not send from stupid spam-filtering server software. Let's not manually add to that.

Read more:

  • (You're almost always only hurting another innocent person whose address was forged - you're part of the problem, not the solution)
  • (in the Stupid Server Mistakes section)
  • (bouncing this was makes YOU look like a spammer to spam-filtering software - not a good move)
  • (you're just making someone else suffer and wasting your own time and theirs)
  • (it is different from a real bounce, so in the unlikely event that a spammer {instead of someone innocent having their time wasted} is listening, you're only confirming that your address is real and someone actually took time to respond to the spam)
  • (paragraph about 'forged' and motivations of spammers - they do not read bounces - the innocent people whose address they forged do)
  • (Joe-Job: you could become an unwitting accomplice in some spammer's attempt to hurt the forged person's email servers or business)
  • (more about job-jobs)
  • (you are adding to the spam problem)
Fake bouncing is almost as evil as the spam itself, since you're hurting another innocent person! Got it?

Bounce Back (matthewchrobak) Mac Os Download
