Haggle Waggle: Duck & Doge Mac OS

  1. Haggle Waggle: Duck Farm
  2. Haggle Waggle: Duck Dynasty
Haggle Waggle: Duck & Doge Mac OS

Bird vocalization includes both bird calls and bird songs.In non-technical use, bird songs are the bird sounds that are melodious to the human ear. In ornithology and birding, songs (relatively complex vocalizations) are distinguished by function from calls (relatively simple vocalizations). https://images-soft.mystrikingly.com/blog/one-player-pong-mac-os. I popped in a Mac OS boot CD to startup my PowerBook and hopefully fix it. It still would not boot up. After trying several OS CDs and starting to worry that my PowerBook was really physically broken, I pulled out the service technician's most powerful tool - the Technical Tap.

Mennonite Low German Dictionary, Kjenn Jie Noch Plautdietsch?
By Herman Rempel

  1. If you weren't able to get the big thing you wanted, see if you can come up with something to swap for it with the person who did. Maybe they'll sell it: there may be a great value to one of the cars, so if you wanted the 2008 Honda, you may need to haggle with your checkbook as well as the mantle clock and Xmas ornaments that you got.
  2. Haggle Waggle: Duck & Doge. Seattle Indies Game Jam Entry. Wiggle and waggle your way around the hagglers! They've scattered around the city and are.
  3. Haggle Waggle: Duck & Doge. Gamejam hagglewaggle seattleindies. Play in browser. Pestering Peddler Seattle Indies Game Jam Try to get people's.

Haggle Waggle: Duck Farm

däa - f. (poss pron) her. Free gambling games no deposit.
Däa - f. (pl: re) door, portal.
däaj - very, considerable, significant, downright.
Däarefensta - n. transom.
Däarejäwel - m. pediment.
Däarejehenkj - n. door hinge.
Däarejerejcht - n. door jam.
Däarekjlinkj - f. door latch.
Däareknoop - m. door knob.
Däareschlätel - door key.
Däareschwal - f. threshold.
Däarewajchta - usher, doorkeeper.
dach - bright.
Dach - m. (pl: Doag) day.
dachdäajlijch - daily, day after day, routinely.
dache - to light the way, to light up, to dawn.
dachet Lijcht - bright light, glare.
Dachoabeit - f. day work, piece work.
Dacht - f. (pl: e) wick.
Dack - n. (pl: Däakja) roof.
Dackfensta - n. dormer.
Dackran - f. eavestrough.
Dackstow - f. garret.
Daga(t) - m. thick oil; thick mud; heavy, crude oil.
Däjch - m. (pl: Däj) dough.
Däjchtroch - m. kneading trough.
däjijch - doughy.
Dakj - f. (pl: e) blanket, cover.
Dakjsel - n. lid, cover.
Dakjskje - n. (pl: e) doily.
Däl - f. (pl: e) strawstack; see Stroodäl; Däl originally referred to a threshing floor.
däm - poss pron. him.
dämänlijch - similar.
dan - then, at that time, after that, next, thereupon, furthermore, besides.
dän - poss pron. them.
Dank - m. (pl: e) thanks.
dankboa - thankful, grateful.
Dankboakjeit - f. thankfulness.
danke - to thank.
Dankfast - n. thanksgiving.
dan'no - afterwards, thereafter.
dannoch - nevertheless, though, yet, however.
danse - push hard, exert pressure, force.
Darp - n. (pl: a) village.
Darps äkje - f. village oaks, slang for tall, wild pigweed.
Darps ennwona - m. villagers.
Darscht - m. thirst.
Darscht stelle - to quench or slake a thirst.
darschte - to thirst.
darschtijch - thirsty.
dartijch - thirty.
dartijchstel - n. one thirtieth part.
dauge , (M: duage) - to amount to something, to be good for, to be of use.
Daugnikjs - m. a good fornothing.
Daum - m. (pl: Dam) a dam, grade embankment, bank, dike.
Daumbrat - n. checkerboard, game of checkers.
Daumel - m. (pl: s) a craze.
Daumelskopp - m. an idiot, a fool.
daumlijch - m crazy.
Daump - m. steam.
Daump hett - steam heat.
Daump ma'schien - steam threshing outfit.
Daumpa - m. steamer.
Daumpgrope - steam boiler, pressure cooker.
Daumpkjätel - m. steam engine.
Daumpmäl - steam driven flour mill.
Daumpsdruck - steam pressure.
Dauneboom - m. evergreen tree.
Dauns - m. (pl: Dans) dance, jig, reel.
daut - that, it ('et is often used in place of daut).
daut'selwje - the same thing; see dee'selwje, dee'selwja.
däwre - to make a loud, banging noise.
de Kjiep jäwe - lit to give one the basket. This term refers to a woman giving a guy the walking ticket.
de Räj no - numerically, in series, consecutively, in sequence.
De Jriese Diesta - an ogre of the darkness, a story book character.
de'dwäa - at right angles, crosswise; grumpy, at odds.
dee - f or m. he, she, they, them, those, who, which, that.
Deef - m (pl: Deew) thief.
deejanja - m. that.
deejanje - f. or pl. that, those.
deejansje - those, those that.
Deel - n. portion, propotion, part, deal.
deele - to deal, distribute, divide, separat, apportion.
Deelhaba - m. (pl: sch) partner.
Deelnäma - partaker, participant.
deelnäme - partake, participate.
deelwiess - partly.
Deemüt - f. humility, contrition.
deemütijch - humble, contrite.
deene - to serve, attend, minister.
Deenst - m. (pl: e) service, office, ministration.
deep - deep, profound.
deep enn Jedanke - meditative, reflective, deep in thought.
deepa - deeper.
deepa Growe - trench, deep ditch.
Deepa - baptist.
deepe - to baptize.
deepet Jefeel - pathos, passion emotion.
deesel(w)ja - m. the same one.
deesel(w)je - f. the same one.
deesel(w)je - the same ones.
Deetsamba - m. December.
Deffat - m. (pl: s) male pigeon.
Defteriet - diphtheria.
Deiw - m. dew; thaw.
deiwe , (M: daue) - to thaw; for dew to fall.
de'lengd - lengthwise, along the length of.
Dell - m. dill.
demmre - a noisy pounding; thundrous noise.
Demokrat - m. (pl: e) a four to six passenger buggy or light wagon. see Fadawoage.
demo'leare - to demolish.
Demo'learung - f. demolition, destruction, havoc.
demple - to dilute.
denkjboa - imaginable, thinkable.
denkje - to think.
denkje halpe - remind.
denkjestiet - a long time, interminable.
Denkjmol - n. a shrine, monument, memorial, memento.
Denkjschreft - f. memoirs.
Denkjssadel - m. (pl: s) written reminder, memorandum.
denkjweat - memorable.
denn - thin, skinny, guant, lean, slender slim, sparse.
denn backijch - weazened.
denne Hüt - thin skin, thin membrane, film.
denne Schijcht - thin layer.
Denninj - f. flank of an animal.
derftijch - needy, in need.
derjch - prep. through; prefix, see following words.
derjch oabeide - to repair, overhaul.
derjchblädre - to page through.
derjchboare - to bore through to gore, to penetrate.
derjchbrenne - to abscond, to run away, bolt.
derjchbrode - to fry over again.
derjchbüare - to mismanage (a farm).
derjchbüe - to rebuild, renovate.
derjchchnettlijch - on the average, usually.
derjchdrasche - to thresh through; to discuss thoroughly.
derjchdrekje - to press through, like through a sieve.
derjchdrenje - to push through. to squeeze through.
derjchdrinje - to penetrate, pervade, permeate.
derjchdrinjendet Jefeel - thrill.
derjche Bloom räde - to speak ironically or euphemistically.
derjchen'aunda - mixed, pell mell, medley, miscellaneous.
derjchentiet - usually.
Derjchfaul - m. dysentery, diarrhea.
derjchflajchte - intertwine.
Derjchfoat - f. a passage or journey through.
derjchfoodre - to feed through a specific period.
Derjchgank - m. gangway, pass, transit way.
derjchhalpe - to assist through a difficult time.
derjch'han - berserk, mentally unbalanced.
derjchhenje - to sag, to hang hollow. like an old roof.
derjchjehäakjat - intricate, involved, tangled.
derjchjenat - soaked through, sodden; see derjchnate.
derjchjepitscht - like a whipped cat.
derjchjepoakat - poked through, messed up.
derjchjetraubt - cunning, bedraggled, decrepit.
derjchjewosse - root bound, grown through and through.
derjchkleiwe - to paw through, to rummage through; to scratch through the skin.
derjchkrautse - to score through a surface, to scratch through.
derjchkrome - to rifle, to rummage through.
derjchläse - to read through; to sort, to cull.
Derjchmot - f. diameter.
derjchnate - to become soaked.
derjchpitsche , derjchpriejle - to whip soundly, to thrash, trounce.
derjchräajne - to rain through.
derjchräde - discuss, consult, talk over.
derjchreise - to travel through.
derjchsäkje - to search through.
derjchschetsle - to set up a partition.
derjchschiene - to shine through.
Derjchschjlach - m. sieve, colander.
derjchschlape - to muddle through, to eke out.
derjchschlikje - to sneak through.
Derjchschnett - average, mean, medium.
derjchschniede - dissect, intersect.
derjchschüwe - to penetrate, push through.
derjchsejchtijch - transparent, translucent, see through.
derjchspekje - to pierce, puncture.
derjchstäakje - to pierce, puncture.
derjchtrakje - draw or pull through, to pass through, to soak through; thread through a needle; saturate.
derjchüt - by all means, absolutely, by any means; throughout.
derjchwajch - usually.
derjchwaumse - to spank.
derjchweele - to ransack, rummage.
derjchwikjse - to spank.
derjchwintre - to winter through.
derjchwoame - to warm through.
Derkj - short for Diedrich, anglicized to Dick, Died.
derwe , (M: däawe) - to be permitted to, may, might.
Desch - m. (pl: e) table, deck lectern.
Descha - m. carpenter, joiner, cabinet maker.
Deschdakj - f. tablecloth.
Deschkjlinja - m. table bell.
Deschloake - n. tablecloth.
det leewste - perferably.
dia - expensive, dear.
Dia'koon - m. (pl: e) deacon.
Dia'lekjt - f. (pl: e) dialect.
Dia'maunt - m. (pl: e) diamond.
diare - to last, continue, endure, take time.
Diedakjiel - f. (pl: e) bulrush.
diede - explain, interpret.
dien - poss. sing. pron. your.
Dien - f. snowbank, dune.
diena - m form of dien.
diene - f and pl form of dien.
dienje - another form of dien.
diensjlikje - your equals, your peers, of your own kind.
dient - another form of dien. Ex Dit es dien Massa. This is your knife Dit es dient. This is yours.
dieslijch - dizzy, giddy, vertigo.
diesta - dark.
diesta kjikje - glower, frown, scowl, lour.
Diestel - m. (pl: s) wagon pole, wagon tongue.
diestre Ütsejcht - grim outlook, dark prospects.
dietlijch - clear, articulate, implicit, graphic, concise, obvious.
Dietsch - German.
Diewel - m. (pl: s) devil, Satan.
diewlisch - develish, satanic, fiendish, diabolical.
dijcht , dijchta , aum dijchste(n) - dense, denser, densest, water tight, foul smelling (air) close.
dijcht toop - close together.
dijcht waussent - rampant growth.
Dijchta - m. (pl: sch) poet, author, bard.
dijchtbie - close by, near.
dijchte - to write, compose.
dijchtet Struck - thicket.
dijchtijch - considerably, downright, thoroughly.
Dijchtkonnst - f. art of writing.
dikj - thick, fat, plump.
dikj woare - to become thick, curdle, solidify.
dikja Kwiel - m. phlegm.
dikjbuckijch - paunchy.
dikje Malkj - clabbered milk.
dikjkoppijch - thick headed, pig-headed.
Dikjpans - one with the big stomach or paunch.
dinje - to haggle, barter.
Dinjsdach - m. Tuesday.
Dinkj - n. (pl: Dinja) thing, object.
di'rekjt - direct.
Diri'jent - m. (pl: e) director of a choir, conductor.
disa - m pron this one.
dise - f. also pl. this one, these.
diss , dissa - m. this.
disse - f. also pl. this one, these.
Distel - m. (pl: Distle) thistle.
Disteljedaun - m. thistledown.
dit - n. this.
dit - see disa.
ditmol - this time.
ditsied - this side.
doa - there.
doabie - thereby, at the same time.
doabliewe - stay there, remain there.
doaderjch - through that, as a result.
doafäa - for that.
doafäa sorje - to see to that. to look after that.
doafonn - from it or from them, of it or of them.
doafonn aufhenje - to impinge on, to depend on.
doage - to dawn.
Doagesberejcht - m. daily report, daily bulletin.
Doagesbüak - n. diary, day book.
Doagesleena - dayworkers.
Doagesoabeida - m. dayworker.
doahäa - from there, originating.
doahan - thence, thither.
doamank - among them, among those.
doamet - therewith, with that; lest.
doano - according to that.
doa(r)aun - on that, of that, thereon.
doa(r)äwa - during that time, over or across that, about that.
doa(r)enn - therein, in that.
doa(r)hinja kome - to understand, to catch on.
Doarm - f. intestines, guts, bowels, entrails.
Doarmseid - f. catgut, gut string.
doarommshaulwe - because of that, as a result of that.
doa(r)one - without that.
doaropp aufjeseene - intentionally arranged or orchestrated.
doa(r)opp - thereon, on that.
doa(r)unja - underneath that.
Doasenne - n. an existence.
doatoo - for that, because of that.
doawäaje - for that reason, because of that.
dobbelda Punkt - m. colon.
dobbeldiedent - ambiguous.
Dobbelfensta - n. (pl: Dobbelfenstre) storm window.
Dobbelschlach - m. half hitch.
dobbelt - double.
dobbelt räde - equivocate.
doch - still, yet, however, but, nevertheless, though, surely.
Dochta - f. (pl: Dajchta) daughter.
doch'woll - most likely, 'I suppose so'.
Dod - f. (pl: e) deed.
Dodel - m. rebuke, criticism, reproof, reprimand.
dodle - to criticize, inculpate.
doff - obscured, darkly, unclear.
Dokta - m. (pl: sch) doctor, physician, surgeon.
Dokta massa - scalpel.
dol - down, downwards; (also used as a prefix).
Dol - m. (pl: e) glen, dale, vale, valley.
Dola - m. dollar.
doldrekje - to press down; oppress.
dole - to subside, abate.
dolfaule - to fall down.
Doljch - m. (pl: e) cutlass, foil, sabre, rapier.
doljeschloage - crestfallen, sad.
doll - angry, furious, mad, rabid.
dolla - harder, more.
dolla - see sea. Comparison.
dollaje - to lie down.
Dolldrunk - m. an antidote for rabies.
Dolmatscha , (M: Dolmetscha) - m. interpreter, translator.
dolriete - to tear down, demolish.
dolsate - to sit down.
dolschmiete - to throw down.
Dom - m. (pl: e) dawn.
dome - to dawn.
domm - crazy, foolish, cracked.
domma Büa - m. yokel.
Dommajon - m. (pl: Dommejons) idiot, dunce, stupid fellow.
dommbleed - obseqious.
Dommheit - f. (pl: e) folly, stupidity, craziness, balderdash.
Dommkopp - m. fool, dunce, blockhead.
dommsaje - to tell someone off; to give someone a piece of mind.
Dommtijch - n. stupidity, humbug.
donn - then, at that time.
Donna - m. thunder. see Rummel.
Donnadach - m. Thursday; a day of reckoning in the Old Colony church.
donnemol - once upon a time.
donnre - to thunder or rumble.
Donst - m. steam, vapour, fumes.
donste - to steam, to vapourize.
donstijch - steamy, vapourous.
doo , doone - do.
Doode - m. corpse, remains.
Doodemol - f. birthmark.
Doodesangst - f. deathly fear.
Doodesbesorja - m. undertaker.
Doodesfaul - f. fatality.
doodesjefäadlijch - lethal, deadly, dangerous.
Doodeskjarpa - m. corpse, remains.
doodeskrank - deathly ill.
Doodesloake - n. shroud.
Doodesrejista - n. obituary, necrology.
Doodesstäakj - death throes.
Doodesstrof - f. death penalty.
Doodesuadeel - n. death warrant.
Doodewoage - m. hearse.
Doodjewijcht - f. ballast.
Doom - m. (pl: s) dome.
Doop - (pl: Deew) baptism.
Doopfast - n. baptismal service.
Doopsteen - m. baptismal font.
Doos - f. (pl: e) tin can, paper box or carton.
doot - dead, lifeless.
doot jebuare - stillborn.
Doot - m. (pl: Doodes) death.
dootmeed - dead tired.
dootschlone - to kill, to slay.
Dorjch - m. (pl: s) dagger, dirk.
Dorn - m. (pl: s) steel punch.
dort - over there, yonder.
Dotel - f. (pl: Dotle) date (fruit).
Dotem - m. (pl: s) date, (calendar).
Dräaja - (pl: sch) supporting beam.
dräjch - dry, arid, sere.
dräjch moake - to diaper a child.
dräje Tiet - drought.
Drakj - m. dirt, grime.
drakjijch - squalid, dirty, grimy.
drall - sturdy, heavy set; twisted, tangled.
dräne - to jar, to vibrabe.
Drank - m. swill, slop, sewage; pressure.
Drank Ama - m. slop pail.
drasche - to thresh.
Drauf - m. (pl: Drow) a fast trot.
Drebbellada - n. the flank of a horse.
drebble - to trot.
Dreddel - n. a third.
dree - three.
dree doagschet Feeba - three day fever, tertian.
Dree eenijchkjeit - f. the Holy Trinity.
dreefach , dreefachijch - treble, threefold, triple fold.
Dreefoot - m. tripod.
Dreekaunt - triangle; buckwheat.
Dreelinja , (M: Drillinje) - triplets.
dreeme - to dream.
dreemnäse - to doze, daydream.
Dreemolaundasch - hydrangia.
Drees - f. (pl: e) gland.
Dreeschlach - m. three quarter time in music; the rhythmic sound of a gallop.
dreessle - to beg continually, to plead, like a child of its parents.
Drei orjel - f. barrel organ, hurdy gurdy.
Drei puat - n. turnstile.
Drei schämel - the swivelling bolster of the front part of a sleigh or wagon that permits it to turn.
Dreibenkj - f. lathe.
Dreidäa - f. revolving door.
dreie - to turn, revolve, rotate, spin.
dreimoazhe - to waddle, to waggle the posterior.
Dreipunkt - m. pivot, fulcrum.
Dreischiew - f. turntable, potter's wheel.
dreiwe - to threaten, to menace.
dreiwent - imminent, impending; sinister, threatening, minatory.
Drekja'rie - f. (pl: e) printery.
drekje - to squeeze, to hug; to press, to print.
Drekjprass - f. printing press.
drenje - to crowd, to push.
Drenkj - f. (pl: e) water pond, drinking pond.
drenkje - to water an animal.
Drepp - f. (pl: e) drop of fluid; anasthaetic; mastitis.
drepp'aun (doaropp aun) - dependent on.
Dreppekend - f. (pl: e) peppermint candy.
drepple - to rain very lightly.
Drepsdrell - m. (pl: e) small, insignificant confused person.
dre'tian - thirteen.
dre'tiandel - thirteenth part.
Drief - m. (pl: s) motive, challenge.
driest - bold, forward, confident, brassy, audacious, presumptuous.
Drill - m. (pl: s) drill, seeder.
drinjent - urgent, earnest, insistent, fervent, imperative.
drinkjboa - potable, drinkable.
drinkje - to drink; to imbibe.
Droagbaunt - m. (pl: Droagbenja) suspenders.
droagboa - portable.
droage - to carry; to wear.
droagent - pregnant (animals).
Droak - m. (pl: e) kite; dragon.
Droat - (pl: e) custom.
drock - busy, occupied with work.
drocke Tiet - the busy season, a busy time.
Drockijchkjeit - f. (pl: e) preoccupation.
Drommel - f. (pl: Drommle) drum.
Drommel Düw - drumming pigeon.
Droom - m. (pl: Dreem) dream, reverie, wool gathering.
Droombilt - n. fantasy, phantasm.
Droschkje - f. Russian carriage.
Drosel - m. (pl: s) piece of string.
drosle - to tie together superficially.
Drot - m. (pl: Dräd) wire, thread.
Drot tang - f. pliers, tongs for handling wire.
Drotaunhola - m. wire stretcher; block and tackle.
Drotdäa - f. screen door.
Drotfensta - n. screen window.
Drotnorejcht - f. (pl: e) telegram, wireless message.
Drowa - m. (pl: sch) trotter.
Druck - m. pressure, stress; press.
Druckfäla - m. misprint.
druglijch - chubby, dumpy, portly, pleasingly plump.
Drunk - m. a drink, a punch.
drunkfallijch - prone to alcoholism.
Drunsel - n (pl: s) an old piece of string.
Drusch - a sudden slap or punch.
Drüw - f. a brace (and bit) (carpentry).
dü - sing, pers, pronoun, second person, direct form of address, you.
dü kau(n)st - you can.
dü O'schult! - you poor, innocent fellow! (said in sarcasm).
Düak - n. (pl: Däkja) shawl, kerchief.
düarhauft - durable, lasting enduring, permanent.
Ducht - f. energy, strength.
Duck - f. (pl: e) lever, pry.
Duckadeia - f. (pl: sch) see saw, teeter totter.
ducke - to pry with a lever; to bob up and down in water; {ennducke - to dunk}.
Duckpunkt - m. fulcrum.
duckre - to rock, to teeter, to waddle.
Duddelsack - m. bagpipe.
dudle - to dawdle, waste time.
Duj - f. (pl: e) a large block and tackle, windlass.
duje - to plod, to progress with difficulty.
dulde - to tolerate.
Duldinj - f. tolerance, sufferance.
Düme - m. (pl: s) thumb.
Dümes dreie - to twiddle the thumbs.
Dümeskrauft - f. the power of an automatic jack.
dün - drunk.
Dün - f. (pl: e) soft feather, down, fuzz, eiderdown.
dünijch - downy.
dunkel - obscure, dark, cloudy, bleak, dim, murky sombre.
dunkelbrün - dark brown, swarthy.
Dunkelheit - gloom, darkness, invisibitlity.
Dunkelsiedijch - pessimistic.
Dups - m. (pl: e) dunce.
düre - to worry.
dürhauft - of lasting quality.
Durrack - a card game popular among the Mennonites in Russia.
düs - over dressed.
Düs - f. (pl: e) diesel injectors.
Dusel - m. (pl: s) sleepy head, moron.
düsent - thousand.
Düsent Kjensla - inventor.
düsentstel - thousandth part.
duslijch - stupid, zany.
Duts - f. dozen.
Düw - f. (pl: e) dove, pigeon.
düzhe (M: dusche) - to bathe, to shower, to douche.
Duzhnak - m. (pl: e) simpleton.
Dwäagauss - f. village street running at right angles to the main street, crossroad.
Dwäaschien - f. (pl: e) building for storing grain and fodder or machinery annexed at right angles to the barn.
Dwank - m. coercion, compulsion, duress.
dwaule - to rush headlong into.
dwautsch - mentally unbalanced.
Dwautschhauns - m. a mentally unbalanced person.
dwinje - to be able to lift, to be able to accomplish.
Dwoaj - spiced, slightly aged cottage cheese balls.
dwoarauslijch - silly, stupid.

Haggle Waggle: Duck & Doge Mac OS

Haggle Waggle: Duck Dynasty

© Herman Rempel 1984,1995, and Mennonite Literary Society 1984,1995, and mennolink.org 1998-2006, and Eugene Reimer 2006. Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.